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Tel: +221 33 825 23 78 / +221 77 855 94 19 | Email:

May Project Replicate Improve Person Health Positive aspects?

Project replicate is an innovative guided-practice style that helps capacity to offer care for complex patients in country and underserved communities. It uses a hub-and-spoke knowledge sharing unit and telementoring to improve usage of specialty health care.

The program happens to be successfully put in place in Washington State and has now multiply to more states and countries. India is establishing its own Task ECHO HIV/AIDS and hepatitis C applications, and Vietnam and Chile are interested in establishing their own.

It is a low-cost, high-impact treatment that greatly improves both capacity and access to specialty healthcare meant for rural and underserved foule by attaching expert interdisciplinary consultant teams (“hubs”) with community-based partners through regularly scheduled teleECHO clinics using web-based videoconferencing technology. During each appointment, experts tutor primary care clinicians (“spokes”) and share their particular expertise through mentoring, advice, feedback, and didactic education.

It is important to grasp if this kind of telemedicine program can easily improve sufferer health results, especially in conditions of fidelity to treatment plans. Consequently, this scoping review might assess whether or not the evidence of impact is good and if even more studies are needed to look into these issues.

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